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The Hope Project - What is home for you?

Hongxi and I established The HOPE project with the aim of uncovering the untold stories of homeless individuals. To achieve this, we plan to engage with them on a personal level and listen to their narratives. New York City, being a densely populated metropolis, is a place where we frequently encounter individuals of diverse races, cultures, religions, and social backgrounds. Nevertheless, within the hustle and bustle of a city like this, it's easy for people to overlook the social norms that surround us. There are those who are striving to meet their basic needs, people waiting on the streets in search of hope, and others sleeping on sidewalks not because they couldn't find shelter but because they couldn't rest safely.


One of our projects, titled "What is Home for you?," encourages people to illustrate their personal interpretations of the concept of home. Some depict flags, landscapes, objects found in their homes, individuals, animals, and more. The idea is to show that our definitions of home can vary widely, yet everyone deserves a place they can truly call home—a space filled with love, care, safety, and comfort.


We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the participants who have contributed to our project! <3"

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