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Memories of my childhood

Writer's picture: Stephy Stephy

Remember to wake up early in the morning on Monday and take all of your homework to school because it is going to be hard to wake up after weekends; take your violin class on Tuesday and remember to practice what you learn after it; don’t chat too much in class because it waste your time and my money; don’t forget to learn piano on Wednesday and be patient at your teacher although she is strict; go to your ballet class on Thursday and don’t forget there are English class after it; practice your instrument including Chinese bamboo flute because you always forgot it; calligraphy is a good learning for patients and self-cultivation remember to go to class on Friday; weekends is for reviewing and learning time while people are taking break; you should work harder during these two days; go to drawing, painting, sketching, and traditional painting class on Saturday; you are not the best so you need to work harder than other to accomplish your dream; Sunday is not for break either, remember to finish your homework this week and don’t forget to practice what you learned in class; life is not easy so don’t be laze; you father died when you are little which make me have the most responsibility to the family and you should not make too much trouble; you are the only child in the family so you should be talented and try hard because you are the only hope; be a happy and healthy girl don't let people feel that you are pessimistic person after your father died; behave nice and having positive attitude to others especially me; no one have that obligation to treat you well so don’t take it for granted; put away your cellphone and get rid of friendship because that will bother your aim; be attentive while doing math because you are too incautious; draw more paint more you are in a great college which make every steps of yours is important to your future; remember don’t drink too much red bull and coffee because it is not healthy; people are all talented around you so better work harder and arouse your potential; read more books especially about religion because that will formed a person of you; believe in my astrology because it is always 80% right; the world is too huge for a tiny person like you so work hard; don’t be that sensitive because that is your weakness; do not cried that much because you are not a child; stop acting that you have depression; be positive and trust people; treat others nice even they cross your bottom line because everyone deserve second chance; don’t get distract things that are blocking your way; stand up imminently after a failure; remember your have the greatest mother in the world who always stand by you; this is how people fight against you; this is how to live better than them; this is how you treat your teacher with respect because they always have knowledge that you need to learn; this is how to understand humanity although it is cruel; this is how to be thankful for people that pay out to you; this is how you should pay back; be confident about your self ; but how am I supposed to be confident if you make me like I'm nothing?; you mean to say that after all, you are really going to give up and stop trying climb to a higher level?

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